San Antonio International Airport

Revision as of 20:49, 26 February 2006 by Dsiragusa (talk | contribs)
Continent: North America Country: United States Region: Texas

San Antonio International Airport
Location San Antonio, Texas
Airport type Commercial
Website []
Overview map [,0.118721&t=h&hl=en Google Maps]
Tower 119.8
Ground 121.9
Clearance 126.7
Approach 118.05(21) 124.45(3) 125.1(30L/R) 128.05(12L/R)
Departure118.05(21) 124.45(3) 125.1(30L/R) 128.05(12L/R)
ATIS 118.9

Official Spotting Locations

There are no official spotting locations at SAT.

Other Spotting Locations

Long-Term Parking

You can take the elevators to the top floor and you get a sweeping view of the main runway, 12R/30L, and to your left is runway 3. Most traffic is usually on 12R, you can get some nice rotation shots from that angle. Sometimes runway 3 is used and although I have never been spotting when runway 3 is used, I'm sure you can get some nice shots of approaching aircraft, the only problem is that the floodlights will probably get in your way. A quick call to Public Affairs at 210-207-3450 is usually a good idea prior to going out.

Raytheon Parking Lot

Located on the right side of John Cape Rd, this parking lot for Raytheon offers a close-up view to rotations on 30L and touchdowns on 12R. Airport Police driving by on the perimeter road don't have a problem with spotters there, but sometimes employees of Raytheon might ask you to leave. Most weekends the lot is empty and is perfect for spotting.

Approach View for 12R

There are a few good places along Hwy 281 for spotting approaches to 12R. In the mornings the lot for Adult Video Megaplex is good and in the evenings the lot for Super 8 motel is good. Also on Warfield Drive (Drive NW on Rhapsody Dr: it's the first right... feel free to check the google overview map), there are a few businesses off to the right that offer a great view looking down the center line of 12R. This road is up on a hill so you have a vantage point that looks down on the runway... it's an impressive sight.

Locations to Avoid

Regular Traffic

Aerolitoral (Saab 340)
America West Express (CRJ)
American (MD-80)
American Connection (ERJ)
Continental (737, 757)
Continental Express (ERJ)
Delta (MD-88, 737)
Delta Connection (CRJ, ERJ, E170)
DHL (727)
FedEx (A300, A310, DC-10, MD-10, 727)
Frontier (A318, A319)
Mexicana (A318, A319, A320)
Midwest (717)
Northwest (A319, A320, DC-9)
Southwest (737)
United (A319, A320, 737)
United Express (CRJ)
UPS (A300, DC-8, 757)

Other Traffic

NBA and College team charters. The San Antonio Spurs and other select NBA teams use Champion Air.

San Antonio Aerospace occasionally receives rare VIP aircraft under maintenance contracts. They also maintain Northwest Airlines and UPS aircraft.

San Antonio receives a share of Dallas- and Houston-area diverted flights during bad weather. These diversions are more frequent during the thunderstorm-prone summer months than during the winter months. Past visitors have included trans-Atlantic flights.

Facilities and Transportation

External links