Chicago O'Hare International Airport

Continent: North America Country: United States Region: Illinois

Chicago O'Hare International Airport
Location Chicago, Illinois
Airport type Commercial
Overview map Google Maps
Tower 120.75(south) 126.9(north) 127.925 132.7
Ground 121.675 121.75(outbound) 121.9(inbound)
Clearance 119.25 121.6
Approach 119.0 128.45 121.15 124.35 125.7
Departure125.0 125.4 127.4
ATIS 135.4

Official Spotting Locations

There no official spotting locations. All non-official spotting locations are checked by airport security, Aviation Police or Police patrols.

Other Spotting Locations

USG Parking Area

Main spotting location is located near USG Corp. parking area at Scott Ave close to Mannheim Rd (US12/US45) and Lawrence Ave intersection. There is nice view of southside part of airport and full view of 28, 27L and 22L glidepath. Also thru fences, Delta, Mike and Quebec taxiways are visible when aircrafts taxiing to rwy 22L for departure. To take a photo at 28, 80mm and up lenses are ok. Close to service gate at the end of Scott Ave even 17-20mm lenses are ok when A340 or B747 is approaching. Good spotting place during all day when wind is from the west, southwest or northwest. Parking lot is in Shiller Park , but Scott Ave is in Chicago as Mannheim Rd at airport area.

Also you can take some shots from hwy I294 heading southbound directly under glidepath rwy 28 at your own risk (as we know 2 hrs standing limit)

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Allstate Arena

Next good location is Allstate Arena area located at Mannheim Rd(US12/US45) between Higgins Rd (IL72) and Touhy Ave. Full preview for rwy 22R during all day (different places depends on where the sun is). 22R during all day (different places depends on where the sun is). From 9-10 am in the morning till 2-3pm good place is the small parking lot opposite car wash just at the Mannheim Rd.

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After that time good place is a huge parking lot between Target store and Touhy Ave (closer to Touhy).

Late afternoon good place is a back of Allstate arena parking lot close to hwy I-90

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Westside of the airport

At the west end of airport is a York Rd/ Elmhurst Rd and along that street is a lot of places where can we take a shots. First af all is a Thorthons gas station area and there is a good place to take a shot of aircrafts that climbing out from rwy 32L and aproaching rwy 14R mainly afternoon, but in next two years this rwy will be closed . photo sample large photo

and large photo

At early morning at sunrise you can stop at small construction area with separeted parking (orange fence arround) nort of Devon Ave heading north at east side. Aproaching aircrafts to rwy 14R are clearly visible

Dearture 32L photo sample large photo

Arrival 14R photo sample large photo

At this time due to airport construction now good spotting places at rwy 32R/14L.

The best way to take a good shot is the car. Without a car you can get one maybe two places but you'll never know the wind direction even if you check METAR.

Locations to Avoid

Cargo South

Avoid to take a shots at South Cargo Area. A lot of Aviation Police and sometimes you can meet a FBI patrol.

West end

At west end do not look for the quiet place between manufacturers' shops. Also try to not block the traffic at all streets arround airport.


Do not try to search the place for spotting close to General Aviation ramp near Cargo North. Also bad place is the 3 floor parking behind to office buildings located at Higgins Rd at rwy 22R approaching lights.

Regular Traffic

Facilities and Transportation