Malta International Airport

Continent: Europe Country: Malta
Malta International Airport (MLA/LMML)
Location Malta
Airport type Commercial
Overview map [ ]

Official Spotting Locations

Terminal viewing gallery

Offers an excellent view of park 9 (the main apron for passenger aircraft) but is behind glass and reflections are an obstacle.

Time of day: Morning only as in most positions on the ramp aircraft will be backlit in the afternoon.

Directions: The viewing gallery is located on the 3rd floor of the tower between the arrival and departure halls. If arriving by car, you can park in the airport car park; otherwise see below (information still to be added).

Other Spotting Locations


Locations to Avoid


Regular Traffic

The most important airline at MLA is obviously Air Malta, but it is not the only local operator. British Jet - a Maltese airline, name notwithstanding - operates a single MD-90 on flights to various UK destinations. Another company, European 2000 Airlines, operates a pair of Fairchild Metros which can often be seen in Park 3 when not in use. There is also an air taxi company which operates a Learjet 60, and two flying schools which contribute to a fairly lively general aviation scene.

Scheduled airlines which fly to Malta include British Airways, Alitalia and Lufthansa using mostly a mix of A319s, A320s and A321s; and Emirates with A330s. BA flights are operated by GB Airways flying in BA livery. Other regular visitors include Austrian Airlines, SAS, Sterling, Finnair and Tuninter (flying ATR turboprops). Regular charter airlines include My Travel, First Choice, Thomas Cook and Thomsonfly. Some of these are seasonal: in summer traffic increases considerably. As already mentioned, the best bet for the overseas visitor is to consult the flight schedules on the MLA website.

Facilities and Transportation

There is a regular bus service (route 8) from Valletta to the airport terminal via Gudja. In addition, routes 32 and 34 (Valletta-Zurrieq) and 35 (Valletta-Qrendi) all serve a bus stop within easy reach of the terminal and walking distance to spot 2.5, which is the best spot for photography.